Upcoming Courses

Enhance your metadata management skills with our upcoming expert-led courses.

RDF and JSON-LD for metadata

Embark on a transformative learning experience with our RDF and JSON-LD for metadata course. In just 120 minutes, this course unlocks the intricacies of RDF and JSON-LD, the fundamental elements underpinning the BIBFRAME standard for bibliographic description. Immerse yourself exploring the core concepts of RDF—triples, subject-predicate-object relationships—and unraveling the expressive capabilities of JSON-LD in semantic data representation through JSON syntax.

There will also be practical examples, walking through RDF instances in bibliographic descriptions and showcasing the application of JSON-LD to express RDF triplets. Solidify your skills in a concise exercise setup and engage in a comprehensive Q&A session for any lingering questions or discussions. Leave RDF and JSON-LD for metadata with a higher understanding of RDF and JSON-LD, setting the stage for further exploration in the dynamic world of linked data."

About the Instructor

Álvaro López-Bustamante

Universidad de Concepcion Libraries

ORCID Profile

Álvaro López has a Library Sciences bachelor degree, and holds a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics. He has over 15 years of experience in academic libraries, and he led the implementation of Bibframe at the University of Concepción in Chile. He currently works at Ebsco as an advisor for the FOLIO community in Latin America.

Fee: $25 for DCMI & ASIST members, $100 for others


The Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME) data model provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, grounded in Linked Data techniques. This class explores the conceptual framework and fundamental elements of BIBFRAME, helping participants navigate and leverage the dynamic landscape of BIBFRAME.


Alvaro Lopez-Bustamante

Fee: $25 for DCMI & ASIST members, $100 for others