Upcoming Courses

Enhance your metadata management skills with our expert-led courses.

Inaugural Webinar: Metadata, Linked Data, and AI

As powerful and useful as AI and ML tools, there are risks in applying them if they are not sufficiently explainable, robust, transparent, or not stick to the fairness and privacy principles, which can seriously jeopardize the trustworthiness of AI. Metadata and linked data technologies and methods play an important role in capturing, linking, and documenting the data (input & output), parameters, models, environment configurations, and versions of data and models. All of these contribute to the trustworthiness of AI. This presentation reviews the requirements for trustworthy AI as well as metadata categories that have been used in representing trustworthy AI. Through examples, issues and challenges will be discussed for AI applications in metadata generation/creation.


Jian Qin

Fee: Free

Metadata encoding languages

Metadata crosswalks translate elements and values from one schema to another, facilitating record exchange and interoperability between different metadata schemas. This class teaches crosswalking methods for transforming metadata from a MARC 21 library data record to the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) schema using XML and XSLT.



Fee: $25 for DCMI & ASIST members, $100 for others

RDF and JSON-LD for metadata

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a standard model for data interchange on the Web, facilitating data integration. JSON-LD is a lightweight Linked Data format based on the JSON data format that supports data interoperability at Web-scale. This course explores the core concepts of RDF and unravels the expressive capabilities of JSON-LD in semantic data representation.


Alvaro Lopez-Bustamante

Fee: $25 for DCMI & ASIST members, $100 for others


The Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME) data model provides a foundation for the future of bibliographic description, grounded in Linked Data techniques. This class explores the conceptual framework and fundamental elements of BIBFRAME, helping participants navigate and leverage the dynamic landscape of BIBFRAME.


Alvaro Lopez-Bustamante

Fee: $25 for DCMI & ASIST members, $100 for others