DC Academy Training Programs

There will be two primary types of training programs: standards-oriented and technology-oriented. Given the nature of metadata standards, it is very likely the two types are not clearcut.

Standards-oriented program

Training courses in this program aim at enhancing competencies in applying the standards in metadata projects and applications. Standards may serve cultural institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums and other domains such as business and healthcare. Sample standards-oriented courses:

  • Europeana Data Model
  • Europeana’s semantic enhancement (digital humanities)
  • Getty Controlled Vocabularies
  • Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS)

Technology-oriented program

Training courses in this program are standards neutral, that is, the aims of courses are not resolved around specific metadata standards, but rather, around specific technology that is applied in multiple standards. In this case, standards may be used as examples to demonstrate the use of technology. Sample technology-oriented courses:

  • Prompt engineering with AI tools
  • Linked Data and Metadata (JSON-LD)
  • Basic Query Language (SQLite)
  • RDF and SPARQL

Course Levels and Certification

Courses in both types of programs are grouped by the level of difficulty and, upon the completion of each level, the trainee will receive a certificate accordingly:

  • Beginner level – Basic metadata competency
  • Intermediate level – Intermediate metadata competency
  • Advanced level – Advanced metadata competency